Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sakura Matsuri 2014

For a bunch of years now, I've gone to the street festival that's part of the National Cherry Blossom Festival. It's changed since I first started going, including fencing the festival off and charging admission (and this year, doubling the price :| ), but it's still something I look forward to. It's at a good interval between Katsucon and Otakon and is around the time of year when I finally want to get out of the house. This year, I threw plans together very haphazardly, and they almost fell through. But we made it work.

I don't have any pictures actually in the street festival, but I made sure to vlog. (The playlist is here.)

We didn't get down to the street festival until sometime after noon;;

We also went to the Natural History Museum, which for me was my third time in three weeks;; I finally got to see the Dinosaur exhibit though, something I don't think I've ever done before! I'm really glad I got to see it before they closed it.

After the museum, Chris and I walked towards the Washington Monument in order to see the cherry blossoms. I hadn't actually seen the cherry blossoms themselves in a few years, so it was nice!

There were actually a few cosplayers having photoshoots underneath the cherry trees! I wonder what all the normal tourists thought...

I also got to see Jennifer, Alec, Carmen, and Deanna from DTP! I knew that Carmen and Deanna had been planning to go, but seeing Jennifer and Alec was a surprise! 

I got to have my taiyaki like I wanted, as well as teriyaki chicken that I bought as lunch for Chris (and he let me try). I also got to try daifuku for the first time, which was interesting! It was different than I was expecting, especially the black sesame one that came with the four-pack I bought. I also bought a stationery set and a plushie of Tuxedo Mask to hopefully bring with me whenever I cosplay Tsukino Usagi. So, despite the problems we had at first, I had a lot of fun! 

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