Sunday, January 27, 2013

1.27 -- cosplay update

This morning I tried to work with the pants I bought yesterday, but I figured it was too much work than it was worth. I pretty much would have needed to take the entire thing apart at the hems and re-sew it, and even then it wasn't guaranteed that it would work like I hoped. So instead, I went to AC Moore and bought Rit fabric dye in Cocoa Brown and dyed the original pants I bought for Jack.

The color came out better than I expected, so I'm really happy with the results! My hands are stained slightly brown because I was too impatient to track down latex gloves, but it should wash off in a few days. 

We also went to a consignment store today and I tried on a few pants to see if I could avoid using dye (because of the whole turning-my-hands-colors issue.) I took a picture of two I considered, but they were either not the exact color or not the right fit. :L The sweatshirt is my mockup one; I really like wearing it around the house and out places, even if it probably gets some strange looks.

Yeah, my hands look strange. I also painted more frost onto the staff, so it looks a little bit better. And cooler, in my opinion. Hopefully sometime this week I'll work mutilating the pants, and I'm hoping to add glitter to the frost on the sweatshirt. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

1.26 -- cosplay

Today we went to a thrift store and I found better pants for my Jack Frost cosplay, so I decided to compare my cosplay to the mock-up pieces I have. Sorry for the quality, I took all the pictures with my iPod.

The sweatshirt on the right was the first one I tried to make, but the dye didn't work out as well as I hoped so I've been using it as an everyday sweatshirt instead. The one on the left was ordered off Amazon in Royal Blue and turned out a lot better than the first one. 

The pants on the left are corduroy pants I bought from Target when I bought the white sweatshirt (that later turned periwinkle). The darker ones I just bought today. They still need to be modified a lot, though. 

The pants need to be tighter both around the legs and waist, because they're loose on me;; 

My gijinka Audino for a group cosplay from Black Adventures I'm hoping to do with my friends. I was originally going to by a cream-colored dress of some sort, but looking through my closet I realized that I have clothes that work just fine. I like how the pants look, but they're actually for a different cosplay and the skirt is closer to the look I was going for. I also forgot that I bought a white scarf for this cosplay as well;; 

I decided I'm probably going to wear fem!Green Oak to Katsu instead of my Matryoshka outfit. It looks really good, and all I have to worry about is finding shoes for it. The outfit is also entirely re-used, either from buying the pieces second-hand or from cosplays that I'm not using. I tried on the skirt for the heck of it but I don't like how it looked. 

So, my current lineup for Katsu is Jack Frost, gijinka Audino, and fem!Green Oak. None of them are 100% complete in the way that I'd like them to be, but I need to focus on Jack because it's the least done... 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hi guys! For one of my new year's resolutions, I decided to start vlogging. I'm hoping to use this blog as an extension of my youtube account by writing a commentary to the videos I upload. I don't know how it's going to go, but please bear with me! I'd love to hear feedback if you have any. :)