Sunday, February 3, 2013

2.3 -- Books I'm Reading

I decided to post here about the books I'm reading as well, along with cosplays and vlog stuff. I kind of have a hard time keeping track of everything that I read;; I'll probably make a monthly post with the books I've read and reviews, but I wanted to make a post with the books I'm currently reading and what I think.

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi: I chose the book because of the interesting premise. To be honest, I don't think I noticed the "possible romance" aspect when I checked it out -- I've only read up to the point where Nailer meets the girl, so I don't really know if they really do fall in love or whatever. But I'm having a hard time reading it and I'm not entirely sure why. The writing is really good, but I think it might be the depressing reality of the world and how it could theoretically happen in the future. So if I didn't have a problem with getting upset over reading depressing stuff, I'd probably think the book was great.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer: I was really lucky in finding a copy at B&N on Saturday, considering the publication date is Feb 5. (I'm not really sure what happened there, but who can pass up a chance like that?) I've been waiting for it since I read Cinder back in May. And I've gotta say, it hasn't disappointed at all. Following Meyer's twitter is really a treat, too! It made the wait up to getting the book agonizing but fun at the same time.

Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier: I'm not very far into this book, either. I really liked the premise of Ruby Red too, because I really like the concept of time travel. It's good so far, but I have a small issue with how Gwen deals with a problem. (It apparently should go away, based off the goodreads page.) Hopefully it'll be a really good book.

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia: I finally decided to check the book out after seeing the trailer for the movie on tv one night. Many of my friends have read it already, with mostly positive reviews. It's a pretty thick book, though, and I only read it in school so it's taken me a lot longer to read than other books. It's an ok book so far. Up until the middle it bothered me because of Ethan's blind stupidity. Past the middle more characters got involved in what was happening so it both picked up and relied less solely on Ethan's decisions.

And those are the books I currently have bookmarks in! Usually I try to limit myself to one school and one public library book, but I started another public book and bought Scarlet, so I got carried away;; Here's my goodreads page if you want to see it. There are links to my read, currently-reading, and to-read shelves on the page.

On another note, I'm hoping to catch up on vlog companions and make another cosplay post. And maybe one on Katsucon if I find enough to write on.

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