Friday, September 27, 2013

Alaska Trip Photos

I wanted to upload my photos from our trip to Alaska to a site that I could access from school -- the ones taken with my iPod are mostly on tumblr, but sadly our network blocks the site though I agree with the block. So here's everything I have. Jump break because there are a ton of photos:

I fell asleep on our flight from Chicago to Anchorage and I'm assuming I woke back up somewhere over Canada. There was a lot of water! I didn't expect there to be this many lakes...;;

The spots are from my zoom lens. I didn't feel like trying to photoshop them out of every photo, sorry ><

Pretty sure those are mountains.

It was weird to see mountains everywhere. 

I'm a little tired of staying in trains. I mean, I guess it's unique, but once is enough...

We stopped to see the Trans Alaska Pipeline. 

It's a Dalek!

Just kidding.

We visited a town called North Pole, and they had an entire Christmas store. 

They had reindeer too. 

I was listening to the first few Welcome to Night Vale podcasts in the car, as well as the audiobook of Dark Star. It was kind of hard to listen to them, especially at first, because being read to always puts me to sleep. (And I did fall asleep while listening at least twice.)

That being said, I had to pay attention to the moving scenery outside of the car so I processed the words being said. So I think I remember a lot more of Alaska compared to other trips because of this.

I only got to episode 3 of Night Vale and halfway through the audiobook, though :L

We passed by a Victory Rd at one point, but I didn't get a picture of it ;o;

We visited an old gold mine. The mountains pretty much disappeared into clouds and it was sort of raining. 

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I found it interesting how some of the buildings were collapsing but some of the others were in good shape. 

There were also machine parts in the creek... 

Mom laughed at me for taking a picture of a bike but I think a Dr Pepper bike would be cool :O
We visited a glacier, too! I really wanted to see snow since we were so far north. I also submitted this photo to our school newspaper's photo contest, and it's going to be printed next week! 

I have no idea if the water was from the glacier melting or some sort of spring further up the mountains, but it was freezing cold. 

Some of the ice was a really pretty shade of blue, which was really surprising. 

The ice kind of had the texture of a golf ball. 

I'm going to upload the photos and videos from my iPod into another post because this one's already long enough. I would've put the photos side-by-side, but I don't know how to do that on Blogger. :(

1 comment:

  1. These pics are really cool! (no pun intended cause of where you were)
