Thursday, October 2, 2014

Books I've Read -- September

I'm honestly really happy to get back into the habit of reading during school. It makes class a lot more interesting.

Searching for Sky by Jillian Cantor, finished 9/5. At first, Searching for Sky reminded me of a book I read in elementary school. They both had to do with the narrator adjusting to living in society with other human beings. However, I don't think Searching for Sky was as great. My biggest problem was really just the kiss between Sky and River that seemed to come out nowhere and then a kind of romance, which I think really could've been done without. The ending didn't really seem to establish anything either -- it was a little too open-ended, I think.

Storm Thief by Chris Wooding, finished 9/13. I had checked this book out on my own and never got around to reading it, but then Gigi read it and passed it onto me as a recommendation. And it took me a while to get into. It was a really interesting concept, and I did kind of enjoy reading it, but the beginning was kind of hard to get past. I don't know if it was the amount of world-building needed, or the fact that the words were formatted onto the page so densely. I kind of wish there was an extension of the book, because I'm pretty curious about what happens to the characters after the end of Storm Thief, but it does a pretty good job with leaving an open-ended ending.

Hero by Alethea Kontis, finished 9/16. It took me at least 30 pages to realize Hero focused on a different sister than the first book did;; Which is entirely my fault, since there were definite differences between Saturday and Sunday. I think it's because the names are pretty similar (a difference of, like, four letters) and because it's been a little while since I read Enchanted. Still, I really liked it! I think my biggest issue would have to be with the "Does romance have to be part of the adventure?" on the cover,  since there is a romance by the end of the book, but it's mainly after the main problem has been solved.

The Falconer's Knot by Mary Hoffman, finished 9/24. I checked this out before because I really loved the Stravaganza series by the same author, but I didn't start it by the time I had to read it. So I gave it another chance. And honestly, I struggled with it a lot more than I did Storm Thief. I don't usually read historical fiction, especially not as far back as The Falconer's Knot was, so I didn't have too much interest in it. I really kept reading because I needed something to do in class. It did get more interesting as I got further into the book, but I'd say it was after the halfway mark that I stopped complaining about it;; It was a good book, just not something I usually read.

Earth Star by Janet Edwards, finished 9/27. I saved Earth Star for last out of my library books, and I figured I wouldn't finish it by the time they were due because the font size is tiny. But I was surprised! Despite the pages being so dense, I was able to read through it pretty quickly. I really love the world-building in the series. It was a lot easier for me to read Earth Star than Earth Girl, I guess because of the learning curve it took to get used to the world in the first book.

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