Thursday, December 4, 2014

Books I've Read -- November

This was a super slow month, mostly because of NaNo, I think. I have a bunch of new books for December, though, so I'm really hoping to get through those a lot faster!

Tides by Betsy Cornwell, finished 11/6. Tides is actually a really good book about selkies -- I can't say that I've read any books about mermaids / sirens / selkies before, so it was really nice to be able to read it. I really loved the depth of the characters, and the worldbuilding seemed pretty solid. I think the biggest thing I have to say is that it's slightly insta-love, but even then both Noah and Mara are kind of cautious at first. It's definitely more character-driven than plot-driven, and I really liked that. The ending is kind of open, but there's apparently a sequel book coming, so I'm looking forward to reading that even if it focuses more on Mara's pod than anything else.

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare, finished 11/13. So in re-reading my review for City of Ashes, I think I can safely say that at least some of the unresolved / unexplained issues were covered. That said, I think City of Glass was easier for me to read because I asked my friend for spoilers. It wasn't as frustrating to read. (Also, it kept me occupied at the MVA when I went to get my driver's permit.) I really like the way it ended, though, as if it was only just a trilogy, so I'm still kind of torn on whether I'll keep reading. I feel like the next books will just drag things out longer than they need to be -- and that's kind of how it seems from skimming some of the reviews on Goodreads. Overall, I don't really think the characters in general are all that realistic or believable, but I think they were a little better in City of Glass than what I remember from the first two books.

Prophecy by Ellen Oh, finished 11/18. Prophecy is an okay book. I actually don't have much to say about it either way other than that the narration seemed a little Middle Grade-ish. And that I kept confusing a lot of the character's names, but that's mostly just because I'm not used to Korean names. It's not a bad book; it just wasn't all that captivating. (A lot of the reviews on Goodreads say it's a classic example of "telling over showing" and tropes, so keep that in mind.)

The Hangman's Revolution by Eoin Colfer, finished 11/25. This was radically different from The Reluctant Assassin, I think, but it was just as good. The worldbuilding for the Box Empire (or whatever it's called) seemed pretty legit. I think the biggest issue I had was trying to keep the two Thundercats straight, since for some reason I never seemed to match the names to the characters. That's just an issue on my part, though. I really love the type of action-adventure-science that always seems to come with the Artemis Fowl and the WARP books, and I kind of wish I knew for certain if there's a third book in the series. I don't know what the plot would be, but I would really like to at least know what happens after the end of The Hangman's Revolution.

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