Saturday, May 2, 2015

Maryland Day 2015

Last Saturday was Maryland Day, which is basically a huge open campus day at UMD where they show off a whole bunch of cool stuff. Mom said this was our 16th year going to it, which is kind of impressive.

We didn't do much this year that was different than the previous years except for going to see the science and tech stuff. I was more interested in the robotics stuff because that's our current unit in Computer Science, though I've missed a couple days of the lessons and am completely lost on what's going on;; Still, I keep saying I want to be the next Honey Lemon, so I capitalized on my chance to look at some stuff hands-on. (One of the guys that led the tour for the engineering building even looked like Tadashi.) My cousins and I got to do a laser obstacle course, which was actually really fun. They set it up to be exactly like you would expect, complete with the Mission Impossible theme playing on loop and a warning buzzer if you touched one of the laser beams.

Somehow the line for ice cream was never that long! I ended up getting ice cream twice since the line was down to nothing the second time I passed by it;; (My family talked me into it. I wouldn't have gotten a second serving otherwise.)

I usually just get strawberry, but I decided to try the vanilla one, too. I grabbed the strawberry one the first time because it was almost overfilled, and then I regretted having basically just ice cream in my stomach;; And then I ended up eating more! Not the best decision. 

We did a paper airplane contest from the portico of one of the libraries and I won somehow! My airplane went like twice the distance of everyone else's, and I almost hit someone;; A guy walking by ended up hitting my paper airplane out of the air, and I think they kept it ;o; I kind of wanted to keep it ...

I was on the far right of the balcony with the sign on it, and I took the picture from about where it had landed. I think the perspective got a little skewed with the camera, but it went so much further than I expected it to. I also took a picture of the directions they gave us if you guys wanna try it at all!

I ended up not really getting any free stuff. All I came home with was an origami bookmark, a pair of sunglasses, and the "Official Terp Get It Done Guide", all of which I'm pretty sure I own already from last year. And I think maybe a pencil. I think it balances out all those years I came home with twenty million pens and flyers.

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