Monday, August 29, 2016

August Music & First Day of School

I meant to draft this post yesterday and had no downtime to do it, so this is going up a little later than I normally schedule posts. On the bright side, I can make this into an update post, too!

I compiled a playlist of all the music that really stood out to me for this month, mainly from listening to the Pop Before It Breaks station on Google Play. I started listening to it this summer and it really has shown me some awesome songs a few weeks before they start playing on the radio. It's my go-to station now \(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶/

Google Play has also been great for having minimal ads even though I have a free account. Pandora and Spotify seem to have a lot more ads recently and it's really distracting, but I already pay for Amazon Prime and I don't think it's worth it to pay for multiple music streaming programs.

The last two songs on the playlist I actually discovered today! My college has a student radio station, and they were playing it over the PA system in the hallway I was waiting in. The station doesn't have a page where they say what's currently on (which is unfortunate), but I tracked down both songs without much hassle. 

So yeah, in related news, I started my second year of college today! It's a strange concept. I feel like I should still be a junior in high school. I had two classes today and I even managed to make a friend! I'm really not that social so this is amazing for me. I also managed to walk past my car in the parking lot after my second class. I'm totally a competent adult.

This semester I'm taking two Monday / Wednesday classes (one of which is partially online as well) and one Tuesday evening class. It's only a total of 10 credits, but I decided to cut the fourth class I'd initially added because I wasn't excited about it at all and I wasn't sure it was worth it. I'm considering changing my major back to Gen Ed because the courses for the Geography major aren't offered frequently enough to let me get my AA by the end of this year, unless I somehow luck out next semester ... But I have to apply for graduation this semester if I want to be done by the spring, so I feel kind of stuck. I'm gonna try to meet with a counselor soon and see what needs to happen. 

This summer was such a great experience all the way through and I'm so lucky and grateful for all the experiences I had and all the time I got to spend with friends. I'm a little sad to be back in school, but I know I need some routine in my life again, and I'm looking forward to sweatshirt weather and pumpkin season (ʃƪ˘⌣˘) I've already had a pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ and a harvest spice coffee from Sheetz this weekend. (The coffee was a mistake. I got maybe three hours of sleep last night. Sure did taste good, though.) 

Here's to hoping for a good fall semester! 

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