Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lifeboat Clique by Kathy Parks

TL;DR it takes an apocalypse to make up for a scandal
TBR #1359, added Jul 22, 2015
finished 1/30/17

I thought this book was supposed to be about the aftermath of a cruise ship wreck. (I also didn't bother to re-read the blurb before I dove into the book so I guess that's my fault.)

I read about 70% of this in my free time between work and class on a Friday, and then came back and finished the last 30% on the following Monday afternoon. I think it killed my momentum the same way it did with The Gathering Storm. I should have finished it that Friday afternoon once class was over.

Other than that, it was really nice! I was a little afraid we would be stuck entirely with the characters on the boat, but that wasn't the case at all. The narration did really well with weaving in the backstory and lead-up to the social catastrophic event during down time -- and I mean, you have a lot of downtime when you're stuck on a castaway boat.

The majority of the book is super character-driven and it was nice to follow how the dynamics changed and how they all moved forward. They all had great layering of their personalities that unfolds as the story progresses. This definitely isn't a fluffy book considering they're actively fighting to stay alive as castaways, but it's not entirely a depressing read. It's got some lighter aspects to it.

Goodreads says this is a standalone, so I think this is perfect for a sunny afternoon when you've got most of it free. It can definitely be read in a time span between lunch and dinner if you've got the time to sit still.

TL;DR it was a nice read and I definitely recommend it. I also suggest reading it all in one sitting, or at least in a few closely-timed ones.

CWs: death (from various causes), injuries / blood, largely damaging natural disaster and its repercussions

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