Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Casanova Progress: Apr - Jun 2016

These posts are supposed to hold me accountable to working on Casanova. I've been trying to get it to a point where it can be read beginning to end, but it's been an absolute struggle so far. And I'm still not holding myself accountable enough to the more behind-the-scenes stuff like actually planning where the plot is going.

I obviously know what I'm doing as a writer. 

I posted these two charts in my April Camp NaNo reflection, but here they are again! I did really well with writing consistently for Casanova the entire month. I honestly rely on NaNo because otherwise I'm likely to make excuses. NaNo works for me because I'm a sore loser when it comes to goals lol

I slacked off after April. I felt kind of worn out from Camp and wrapping up the spring semester, so I didn't set any specific goals during May. I still had some really good writing days though! 

I didn't get much accomplished for Casanova during June, also because of burnout. (And I let myself slack even more.) I worked on two other projects this month, which probably also contributed to it. It's fun to work on a bunch of different writing projects at once, but it means that none of them get all that much attention. 

Anyway, I did have some good epiphanies about how to improve the story and some of the characters. It's developed a lot so far compared to how I was writing it back in November and I'm really grateful for it. I'm also really grateful for what inspired it, too, since I don't think it would've happened without how my May and June transpired.

I also did manage to name some more characters and get a slightly better idea of a timeline, so I'm hoping that July's Camp NaNo will help me out a lot. (I'm doing well so far!) I definitely want to have a solid first chapter by the time school starts up again, but we'll see how that goes. I'm still really unsure of how I want to start the story in terms of Toni's narration.

Hopefully I'll have more posts about Casanova coming up soon! I've drafted a couple but I don't know when I'll finish them. (OTL.)

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