Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I debated making a new year's post, and I ultimately decided for it. I am making no promises on how good it is.

I started this blog a year ago as an "extension of my YouTube account". My main resolution for 2013 was to vlog -- and I'd say I did pretty well with it! I recorded vlogs during Katsucon and Otakon (though I skipped Anime USA, aka Chillcon), as well as a bunch of videos with my friends which I have since made private. I don't think I'm at that point yet where I can sit down with my camera at home and just talk. That's what everyone pictures for the word "vlogging". I'd love to start, eventually, but I think there are still some things I need to improve on before I can vlog in a "traditional" sense.

I also wanted to become better at cosplay and blog more. The cosplay thing is still up in the air -- it's not like there's any point where you can say "I'm perfect at cosplaying and there's no way I can improve". Even if my cosplays haven't improved, I can say I'm more confident with my cosplays. At first cosplaying was a little nerve-wracking, but by Anime USA I could say I was completely at ease while riding the Metro in a green wig with lines drawn all over my face and wearing a hoodie with a Cheshire cat-like face painted on it. Going to cons and cosplaying has definitely improved my self-confidence, and I hope that will continue even further in 2014. I did okay with blogging this year but I definitely could have done better.

A smaller resolution I made for this year was to record good things that happened every day. I found the inspiration through tumblr -- the idea was to write something good that happened on a slip of paper and put it into a jar or container, and then at the end of the year open it up and see how many positive things happened over the course of the year. I decided to do it in a more organized way and on a daily basis:
I'm really glad I decided to start the journal, because it's a good way for me to look back and figure out what I did each day without having to blog about it. Some of the entries aren't very long, and there are a lot of repeats, but I have managed to find at least a small good thing about every day this year. It's a really positive way to keep track of the year! I'd totally recommend it (or some other similar version) to try during 2014. 

For 2014, I think I'm going to keep the same resolutions. They're still things I want to work on, and there's no reason to change something that's working. I'd also like to add:
  • keeping my room better organized because I absolutely sucked at that this year
  • eating a little healthier because I tend to eat all of the unhealthy food in the house first
  • not being so lazy because I'm sure I can accomplish a lot more in 2014 if I just suck it up and do something instead of sitting around on tumblr all day
Anyway, I think that 2013 turned out really well for me, and I hope 2014 is even more so. 

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