Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Upcoming Blog Redesign

I've been thinking this over for a while, and despite pushing the window of time back at least a month, I've decided that I want to try and overhaul my blog design from the ground-up.

This is what it looks like right  now as I'm writing.

What I have now is just an update I did when I decided to post on a regular schedule (something which has helped me immensely in more ways than one). I changed my color scheme to be reminiscent of the ace flag, though the effect of that is pretty minimal. All I did was change the colors around a little bit. I kept the same theme when I updated it.

I follow at least five different blogs via email, a whole bunch more through Blogger itself, and I can't tell you how many blogs I've looked at via Oh, the Books! weekly recap posts. Those posts are my favorite. They've been so helpful in finding bloggers I otherwise wouldn't find, but they've also been good at showing me a whole variety of blog designs and teaching me what I like (and don't like) from first glance.

Now that I'm out of school for the summer, I'm gonna try and dedicate my time to creating my own unique blog layout.

Hopefully it won't be too hard. I've got some background on HTML and CSS, both from in school and outside of it, and not to mention all I've gotta do is open Google for help. A lot of the weekly recap posts have helpful stuff about the technical stuff of blogging, including a lot of suggestions and freebies for blog design / layout, so I think I've got this.

It's gonna be daunting, but I may as well throw myself into it, right?

My initial inspiration for the redesign was working on my school's lit mag. It was a lot of fun to work with the other design manager and improve so much on last year's design. I didn't know what I was doing when I first started, but I kludged my way into a cool-looking journal, so I think that definitely counts for something. I can only hope that I can make it look as hella as our lit mag.

My blog design is probably going to go through a couple different phases by the time that I decide what I want to stick with, so please bear with me! Hopefully when I'm done I'll remember to make a blog post reflecting back on what I did.

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