Monday, June 1, 2015

Favorite New Music: May

Most of these aren't even from May, not gonna lie;;

I actually tracked this song down at the end of April, but I'd already made my post for the month, so I added it to this one instead. Surprisingly, I found it through the radio instead of through the songs Jenny or Tightrope. It reminds me of my OTP in Aperture, so it's definitely one of my new top faves ♥

And I found this one in the process of tracking down the first video! Acapellas are really intriguing to me, and I've found some really good ones recently! 

(So many "Shut Up and Dance", yolo) This is a little bit more of a "band-y" cover, but it's still fairly similar to the original. 

This is another song I found through the radio, but I never really found the name or the artist of it until now. It's a fairly chill song -- it's almost kind of sad, when you listen to the lyrics, but I'd really like to use it for a story playlist.

I heard this sometime during the day of prom -- I don't remember if it was on the radio or at prom itself, but I really love the feel and the lyrics of it. I talked a little about this in my graduation post, but I've felt really close to all my classmates, and this song kind of reminds me of that.

I actually found a mashup of this song with Katy Perry's "Peacock" a while ago through tumblr, but the audio in the post no longer works and the uploader apparently never put it anywhere else :( In trying to track it down, though, I finally listened to the original!

This has been on my music playlist on YouTube for at least a couple months, but I haven't really listened to it much. Now that I've found it again, though, I'm expecting it to become a theme song to the summer  \(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶/

This technically isn't new to me at all, since I found this song / photoset combination a while back, but I listened to it a bunch the week before graduation. It felt very fitting. I love Viria's artwork and I'm still so very grateful to my friend for getting me into Percy Jackson in the past year.

This actually came up on Pop Up Video when I was sitting downstairs with my mom fairly recently, and I realized it was almost as fitting as (if not more so than) "How Far We've Come". It's got a much more uplifting beat, that's for sure.

I initially mentioned "Wildfire" in my first Fave New Music blog post, but I learned that one of my favorite cover singers recently posted her version of it to her channel, so I was really excited! JubyPhonic does a lot of my favorite English covers. Now that I've found it, I can't stop listening ♪

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