Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Terror in Resonance

TL;DR "not so bad as they could have been" terrorists
(finished 6/14/15)

The tl;dr link goes to Funimation, where my friends and I watched it, but I'm not sure if it's behind a paywall so here's the Hulu page for it. It's apparently not on Crunchyroll. 

On to the review! This is the first anime that my friends and I finished during our now pretty frequent Anime Nights. I figured Terror In Resonance wouldn't really be my thing considering the genres I like, but it was good! It was a little different than I expected. In a good way. 

There's not too much that I feel like I can talk about without spoiling things, because to me it seemed layered along the same lines as Mekakucity Actors. You learn more as it progresses. The science behind it seems pretty legit, since my friend who is well-read with the science sides of Reddit was able to guess what Nine and Twelve were doing and explain it to us about a minute before the show did, and he was spot on. It was pretty cool. 

The content warnings I can think of off the top of my head: terrorist attacks, bombings, explosions, blood, emotional abuse (and maybe physical). There might be a few more, but these are the ones that really stuck out to me, so if any of those bother you Terror In Resonance probably isn't your thing. I'd also avoid it if you don't like suspense and life-or-death situations. 

The premise of the show was pretty interesting to me, especially Nine and Twelve's methods, and I was surprised to see character growth with them. The friend who had already watched Terror In Resonance and re-watched it with us had problems with Five as a character, but I'm not sure if I agree with his argument that she was a useless character. I haven't really tried to imagine what the plot would be like without her. 

Terror In Resonance is only 11 episodes, so it's really easy to get through. It only took us two Anime Nights to finish it. I'd recommend it if you like mysteries (since it also focuses on the detectives trying to foil Nine and Twelve's plots) and if the content warnings won't bother you. 

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