Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Twitter Links -- June / July

I decided to start another blog post series! I follow a lot of different blogs, mainly about writing, and recently I've started sharing links via twitter to blog posts that I've found pretty awesome. I love Oh, The Books!' weekly recap blog post series, and while I don't want to copy their idea (nor can I pull it off every week), I want to share the love like they do and share some blog posts that speak to me.

Some of these are inevitably going to overlap with some of their weekly recap ones, so I'm sorry about that!;;

Why We Need Millenial Writers: this is important to me because I'm a millenial writer and sometimes I feel like I need encouragement. I'm a (figurative) small child trying to follow in the footsteps of the authors I love. And that's kind of hard.

Dear Writers: None of Us Know What the Fck We're Doing (as a head's up, this post has a lot of cursing. It's used really well imo, though.) This is also reassuring to me as a figurative small child author because I'm used to BSing my way through things. Knowing that adults do it too is nice.

Labels are for Soup Cans (and also for me)
I’ve got a girl in the war
Liraz’s Asexual Armor: Second-Guessing AceAro Representation in YA
Straight is Not My Default: Understanding Katniss Everdeen as an Ace Aro
Reading Without Role Models: Asexual Awareness Week Day #3
Let’s Save Some Lives, Shall We? Asexuality in Mainstream YA
This is a lot of links. Sorry. I kind of went crazy in the Gay YA "asexual" tag when I realized that was a thing that existed. Asexuality in YA is a very important concept to me (as seen here) and I was really happy to see that I am not the only one who has talked about the lack of representation. Please read these!! Especially "Reading Without Role Models", since I identified a lot with that one.

Healthy Friendships in Books

sailorenergy.net This is actually a Sailor Moon fansite that I found back in elementary school and managed to re-find! At some point, probably when we switched computers, I lost the bookmark I had for the page and I didn't remember enough of it to track it down again. I was really lucky that I managed to this time! There's also sailor-games.com, which I played puzzles on a lot, but whatever plugin it used to run them is no longer supported by Chrome and I can't use them anymore :c Anyway, I'm really glad I managed to find them!!

Calvin and Hobbes embodied the voice of the lonely child

Why You Should Celebrate Your Blogging Milestones

DiversifYA: Nita Tyndall this is a blog post about identifying as asexual and kind of ties into all the other asexuality links above ;; sorry there's so much. (Not actually. I will talk about asexuality until I die.)

I'm not sure if I'll keep this as a usual monthly blog post, since it was kind of a pain to search back through my twitter feed, but I hope some of these links were useful or interesting!


  1. You could also just make notes of the links you link as you link them for the month. Cause I think that would be easier. Just save a draft list of links on blogger.

    1. Yeah, I tried to do that, but I multi-task a lot and tweet so much that I have to dig through all of those even if I only shared the link a day or two back. I didn't share as many links as I thought I would, so I'm not sure that a series of these posts would really be helpful ...

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