Monday, December 21, 2015

First Semester Reflection

My first semester of college is officially over!! I took my last exam on the 17th. I wouldn't say I had the easiest time adjusting to college so far, but it definitely also wasn't as bad as I feared it would be!

Sometimes I think my design skills are getting better, and then I make pictures like this where I wonder if I'm just lying to myself. I can't tell anymore. 

This semester I took 14 credits, but one of them was a 1st year student seminar that only met until mid-October. I also didn't take my classes for my major in the right order ... but that doesn't matter as much. I still survived all my classes!

I haven't gotten back all of my grades at the time I'm writing this. I got As in Physical Geography, Seminar, and Communication, which exempted me from the first two exams! That was a really nice bonus since I was afraid I'd have to cram for the geography final.

I was exempted from my Color Theory final as well because of how the exams were set up. Our professor took the better grade of our midterm and final, and since I got 100% on the midterm, I asked if I could be excused so we could go to Dallas. Luckily my professor said yes!

Communication and Statistics were more of a challenge for me than Geography and Color Theory. I was put into a pilot program for Stat since I came from the local school system, so they put me ahead of where I tested into. I did okay for the most part, but I definitely should have put in more study time ...

Communication was hard for me because we had to do class presentations, which I hate. It was really difficult for me to give speeches to a class I didn't know after having the same classmates all of middle and high school. I actually skipped the first speech we were supposed to do ;; Luckily my professor gave us an "amnesty day" where she let us make up assignments, so I ended up doing it after all.

My favorite class was probably Color Theory. I've never really used painting as an art medium other than for cosplay and the odd art class project. We were given a lot of freedom in terms of what subjects we could paint, as long as it matched the palette we were using, so I was able to paint copies of photos I took. That was a really fun experience and I'm hoping I can continue re-doing my photos and making fake screencaps in the future.

This was my final project for Color Theory. The concept was to make fake pictures that Carter would've taken during the course of Casanova. I initially wanted to do more, but I had two weeks from idea to presentation and not many pictures to reference beforehand. The top left was freehanded and the other three used my pictures from the June vacation as a reference. 

Geography was definitely fun for me, but it was also a challenge because it was a class
focused on the science side of geography. The only other related class I'd taken before was AP Human Geography, which focuses on the cultural aspects. Physical Geography was a class I was supposed to take my third semester, not my first, which I didn't realize until it was too late to do anything about it. But I survived!

To be honest, I had no idea when I decided to go to my college that they even offered an Applied Geography associate's. I already have credit for about a semester's worth of classes thanks to the AP tests, so I got to jump straight into knocking out courses for the major.

I'm really glad I chose to go to a community college. I knew for certain that I wouldn't do well going to college out of state, but I don't think I would've done too well taking classes at UMD, either. I had almost all of my close friends at school with me and I got to hang out with all of them three days a week for lunch. (That was pure serendipity, but we've arranged to all have the same time block for the spring.)

I'm on winter break until Jan 25th. I've signed up for classes for the spring semester, but I haven't paid for them yet ;; We're working on that. Right now I'm signed up for two geography courses (Geog 101 and Political Geography, I think), a meteorology course, and Italian 101. I'm looking forward to it ♥

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