Sunday, February 22, 2015

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

TL;DR stereotypical paranormal romance
(finished 2/9/15)

If you go into Paranormalcy without high expectations, I think you'll probably like it. Paranormal romance has never been my thing, and Evie is a really stereotypical paranormal romance MC, so it's honestly not an outstanding book.

I've definitely read worse, though. And the romance was pretty cute aside from the terrible case of insta-love. Like, I don't think Evie waited 50 pages to decide she was totally falling for him, which was kind of frustrating. Lend was a really cute character, though, so I kind of forgave it.

Honestly, there's not all that much of a plot. There's some "oh no, paranormals are dying", but it kind of takes a backseat? A lot of it is focused on the characters and their relationships, and I liked that, but it sucks if you're going into the book looking for a bunch of action.

And very little actually gets explained in terms of the "paranormals dying" thing, or how their association works (which I forget the acronym for), or why Reth is such a creepy / abusive character. (Luckily Evie realizes he's a terrible person.) Paranormalcy is part of a trilogy, so I'm guessing that things might be explained a little bit more then, but I'm in no hurry to read the other two books. I'm kind of afraid they'll pull the same thing and set up for a bunch of plot and then not resolve any unanswered questions and just leave them at that. That said, though, I'd probably read the other books if I find them at the library.

review TL;DR it's good if you want something fairly mindless but not absolutely terrible.

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