Monday, February 16, 2015

Post-Katsu Shout-out to My Parents

Alternatively titled: "Why I'm grateful my parents humored 8th grader me and let me attend an anime convention"

Seriously, I don't think I'll ever be able to say this enough. My parents gave me so much by letting me go to Katsucon 2011 and continue to attend anime conventions after that. I still haven't figured out the best way to definitively prove my gratefulness, so I thought at least outlining what that one weekend has meant would be something.

I meant to get a picture of all of us at Katsucon, but I forgot;;

My parents gave me bravery

My first Katsucon, I was so incredibly in awe -- and quiet as a mouse. I was so scared of talking to all of these amazing cosplayers that I couldn't ever imagine being able to go up to one and ask for their picture without being a nervous wreck.

But look how far I've come! I have no problems approaching cosplayers to ask for a picture or to compliment their cosplay, and while I'm still a little nervous approaching senpais or other people I look up to, I've gotten lots better! 

This has also carried over into everyday life. I feel more comfortable with having to talk to people I don't know very well (or at all). Having a common factor with people at conventions helped ease me into that. 

Cosplay in itself has also helped me become braver. While I can still be kind of nervous when I'm cosplaying, I also feel stronger. It's allowed me to tackle a hobby completely on my own and trial-and-error my way to cosplays I'm proud of. I've become more comfortable with myself and occasionally standing out. 

My parents gave me freedom

After my first convention, my parents allowed me to continue to go -- without them. They allowed me to go down the next year to Katsucon with friends, then to Otakon, and to Anime USA completely on my own. 

They allowed me to learn on my own. They let me take chances the first times I went to Otakon and Anime USA, and they let me use my babysitting paychecks towards a hobby that probably still seems a little strange to them at times. They never stopped me when I would spend upwards of $50 to attend a con only to spend hundreds of dollars more in merch. They let me spend tons of money on outfits I can really only wear a few times a year.(Mom still gives me a hard time, but she never tries to dictate what I do with my own money.) 

This year, Mom also allowed me to wander around Katsucon on my own without a buddy, something that was really exhilarating. I've always had to be with a buddy before, and while I completely understood the reasoning for that, it could be restricting at times. Knowing that Mom trusts me enough to walk around a convention alone for a relatively short period of time was great, and I'm really grateful that she allowed me to do that. 

My parents gave me responsibility

Freedom came with a certain degree of responsibility. I was in charge of researching details for cons. I had to learn how to budget myself so I wouldn't blow all my money on unnecessary cosplay materials or stuff from Dealer's and Artist Alley that I didn't really need. I was in charge of myself for hours at a time in a large crowd of people. 

My parents gave me the opportunity to prove that I could handle myself in a situation when they weren't immediately available -- I learned to anticipate possible problems that could come up, from minor injuries like blisters to ride conflicts. I learned from Mom's preparedness and tried to emulate that. I'd like to think that I've done a good job with being prepared for everything that could come my way. 

My parents gave me their time (and money)

I am incredibly grateful that my parents are willing to devote an entire weekend to Katsucon each year -- especially the past two when it's fallen around Valentine's Day. I appreciate that they're willing to drive me up to an hour each way to a convention and sit around to people-watch or to return home until I call again many hours later. They've orchestrated their work schedules around my conventions and paid who knows how much money in gas and parking. They've been patient when I don't know what I'm doing with a cosplay and have to make multiple runs to AC Moore or Jo-Ann's in order to get what I need. They've occasionally fronted me money or bought me pieces of my cosplays that I can use everyday as well. 

This year, Dad gave up snow duty on Saturday so he could stay down at the convention with us, and Mom spent over four hours on the Metro with me so I could spend three hours at the con itself on Sunday. I really appreciate that they were willing to do this for me. 

My parents gave me their support

They've always been open-minded with my hobby, and that means a lot to me.  They never stopped me from pursuing cosplay. They gave me the means to make new friends and find a new hobby I never expected to be proficient with. They've never looked down on conventions or the other attendees. They let me take over sections of the house to piece together my cosplays and give the best help they can when I'm stuck. They've humored me when I bring up conventions out of our area that I'd like to attend someday. 

My parents gave me their trust, and I can never thank them enough for that. 

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