Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Favorite New Music: March

So most of this music isn't necessarily "new"; it's just songs I've found recently and fell in love with. Hopefully you guys find these songs cool too!

I don't remember how I found Crystalline. I think it was in my YouTube recommendations. I was surprised! This was the first Gumi song in English that I've found, and it's so good. Vocaloids have come so far since I first started listening to the songs in middle school. Gumi's English still sounds a little robotic-like, but it's easily understandable, and the lyrics are in the video. 

I found Wildfire through Crystalline, and I think this is my favorite out of the two. It's really catchy. 

This isn't new by any standards, but our school did All Shook Up for our spring musical, so we've been playing this song on the morning announcements for the past week. It's catchy, too. I saw the school play twice and I'm really proud of all my classmates! I'm sad that this is the last time for a lot of my friends to be in the play ;o; It was bittersweet. 

I actually found this song through an artist I follow! She storyboarded part of the song as a school assignment, and out of curiosity I looked up the rest of it. It's a lot different than the music I usually listen to, and it's helped me work on Aperture a little bit! 

I found this video through my cousin. I haven't listened to it much yet, but it has a very One Direction / 5SOS feel, so I think I'll end up listening to it a lot as the weather gets warmer. I've been really into 5SOS lately, and I know I'm gonna end up looking into The Vamps a lot as well. 

Uptown Funk isn't all that new, either, but I found this cover recently! It's got less of a pop feel and more of a rock one, I guess? It's catchy all the same. 

Wake Me Up has been out for a while, but I found this cover that combines the original English lyrics with a Japanese translation, and it's really pretty. It's a really chill song. Wake Me Up is definitely one of my favorite songs. 

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