Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Katsucon 2016

I'm back from my 6th Katsucon!! I almost didn't go this year, but I'm really glad I did!

(This post feels like it makes no sense to me. I think I'm sleep deprived. Please forgive me. Hopefully I'll come back to this tomorrow and fix it up.) 

I almost backed out of going this year because none of my con-going friends from school were going. I went to AUSA despite that, but I knew then that I would have Twitter / con friends that I could meet up with. Luckily I was able to borrow one of my friends for the weekend, so I wasn't alone!

This was the first time I put no effort into getting ready for Katsu. It's a little pitiful. This is probably the most chill Katsu I've had, but I still had a lot of fun! I only took ten pictures this year ;; The first couple years I went I took well over a hundred pictures, so this is really strange for me. 

I decided to skip Friday since it lowered the cost for me by $20. My parents told me not to buy my badge ahead of time in case we got a huge snowstorm like last year. We actually did get some snow Friday night into Saturday morning, but luckily nothing like last year. Unfortunately Saturday was freezing cold. 

This year was also unique in the fact this was the first time in six years of con-going that I experienced my first "disaster" of sorts. Jessica and I were out at lunch when we heard about the Gaylord being evacuated, so we luckily missed a lot of the chaos. 

This was the registration line when we got there around 9am Saturday morning. This was insane. The lines are usually long, and last year I was amazed that we got our badges in under an hour. This year we got them in under 20 minutes. Major props to the staff tbh

Jessica and I cosplayed Camp Half-Blood kids, and we managed to find a Camp Jupiter cosplayer, which was :OO

All the other cosplayers I got pictures of were from Miraculous Ladybug! I was so happy to see so many ♥ ML has become my life recently lol

I'm pretty sure this Cat Noir is @thealchemicfox

I saw very few Adrien cosplayers, which I was kind of sad about, since he's probably my favorite character. I'm upset this picture turned out kind of blurry since these two were really cute

I really love the designs of these cosplays! The Ladybug cosplayer complimented my Sailor Moon hoodie after I got their picture, which was really ♥o♥

I owe a lot to Jessica for being willing to come to Katsu with me this year ♥ She was very patient with me while I fangirled about ML and even let me get her into the fandom, which means a lot to me lol She's willing to come to other conventions in the future so I'm hoping it'll work out for us!

I also owe a lot to my parents for spending another Valentine's weekend at the con so I could attend ♥ I really appreciate that they're supportive of my hobby, and that they enjoy the convention enough to continue to come back. (Hopefully they'll start cosplaying next year P: )

This haul is tiny compared to previous years lol I'm getting better about not buying everything I see, since I don't have enough room on my walls to hang all of my posters up anymore :c This year's AA also felt really tiny. Dealer's felt huge this year, and surprisingly I didn't buy anything out of it. 

(I just realized I left out the things I bought on Sunday since I left them in my backpack OTL) 

I'm going to update this post once I can find links to the cosplayers and the artists I bought from! Hopefully it won't take me more than a few days.

I didn't spend as much time at the convention this year from being worn-out from school and not wanting to bore Jessica. I didn't go to any panels or photoshoots, which I'm a little sad about, but I didn't look into any beforehand to know which ones were at the con this year. I also didn't get a schedule of the panels in the booklet :c I don't know if they didn't give any out or if I managed to get a bag without one.

I got to see almost all of my con friends! It was all by chance, too ♥ It means a lot to me that I've made friends through cons and through Twitter that I can look forward to meeting, since that wasn't something I expected to happen when I started going to Katsu back in 8th grade.

My next anime event will be the DC Cherry Blossom Festival! I'm looking forward to it c: After that will be Otakon during my birthday weekend! :D

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