Friday, February 19, 2016

Library Books >>>

I haven't been to the library since, like, October, and it's finally starting to catch up with me big time. I said I kicked my reading slump, but honestly I still have been reading much less than I'd like to.

I'm ready to finally break my library ban, but I don't know when I'll get the chance to go to the library, so I figured I'd at least talk a little bit about why this feeling suddenly hit me in the face earlier this afternoon.

Library books are free

The unfortunate thing about my library ban is that it seems to have made me buy more books at thrift stores. Which is great, except I still haven't touched most of them OTL The great thing about the library is that you get to try out a whole bunch of different books without having to pay for them.

(Assuming you return them on time.)

Library books are sturdier

I think this is just me, but I'm much more willing to haul library books everywhere than I am my own books. Partially because if I beat them up by accident, hey, it's not my book.

But library books are protected against getting utterly destroyed. The dust jackets are laminated and taped to the covers, and paperbacks have sturdier covers than what you get from the bookstore.

My backpack is notorious for eating things and messing things up, but so far I've only creased a few library book pages so far. Maybe the books from my library are just luckier than the ones I buy.

Libraries have more selection

Usually. My public library is sometimes behind with new releases, but there are so many books that aren't sold in store at B&N anymore, and buying books at thrift stores is hit or miss at best. I have a much better chance at finding a book I like at the library than at the thrift store, and unfortunately I'm too poor to buy all the books that look good in B&N.

(One day I'll have a book budget. I blew my February budget by the 3rd OTL I have no self control.)

Library books don't demand to be read

I'll admit, I check out about five more books in each library trip than I can feasibly read in two weeks. I really like having a wide selection of books at one time. A lot of times I'll discover that certain books aren't the kind that I enjoy, and there's no pressure to read them, because they aren't mine and I didn't pay for them.

The most unfortunate thing about buying books yourself is learning that you don't like some of them as much as you wanted to. Newer books you can return to the store if you do it soon enough, but you're usually out of luck if it's a thrift store book.

So I think that's all the main reasons. I could probably keep talking in circles about how much I miss library books, but I'm pretty sure you get the point by now.

I really can't wait to check out a stack of like twenty books LOL I feel so deprived, I know I'm gonna go completely overboard.

And hopefully once I get more books to read, I'll stop writing posts at the last minute! I'm really sorry for having so many of these thrown-together posts ;;; I swear I'll stop soon!!

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