Saturday, May 7, 2016

My Writing Process

I was procrastinating last night on both my daily writing and making this post, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I spend a lot of the evening in my room saying that I'm "writing", but what does that actually entail?

Doing anything but writing, basically.

My Writing Process

So this is how my night went yesterday.

1. Noticed that the clock said it was after 10pm
2. Decided that it's probably time to start writing
3. Cleared out my inbox instead
          ("cleared" is relative since I still have 700 emails)
4. Noticed the email reminder about my Italian homework and ignored it
5. Checked twitter
6. Finally opened a blank Word document
7. Checked pinterest and facebook instead
8. Opened last night's writing to see if it would give me any better motivation
9. Finally stopped listening to "La Vie Boheme" and switched to Amazon Music
10. Got about 100 words written
11. Checked twitter again
12. Actually tried to focus on writing
13. Got about 700 more words written
14. Decided that I'm tired and that ~800 word was sufficient

So yeah. Not actually all that productive. I managed to finish writing by about 10:50, so this whole thing took less than hour. Which is actually a pretty productive night! Usually I drag it out across a couple hours, but usually the internet is a lot more interesting than it was last night.

Yesterday was also a really long day. My school went into lockdown during my Italian oral exam, like that wasn't stressful enough already. Luckily I already had plans to hang out with friends after class, so after a little miscommunication issues we got to eat some really good food! I think that definitely made up for the stress of the day.

(I also ate way too much yesterday lol)

So far in May I've only written for Aperture so far, but I've been meaning to write for some other projects I have, too. I'm hoping to spend today building up some of the background details I need. I generally need to have a lot of inconsequential info built up about the characters and their world before I feel comfortable writing.

(Maybe I'll make a post about that soon?)

Anyway, I hope this shed some light on what I do when I say I'm writing! I do actually get things done, I promise c:

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