Thursday, January 5, 2017

TBR Update: Jan 2017

This is my 300th published post! (ノᐛ )ノ*:・゚✧

I know I've talked about my TBR before; the last I can find was last January. I've decided to make it a reoccurring thing just because my TBR on Goodreads just keeps getting longer and longer ...

This post is about my TBR shelf on Goodreads. I've talked about my own TBR lists for the books I've bought, but honestly, I'm not making progress on those at all lol. I have a tendency to roam around on Goodreads and add more books than I can possibly ever read. ┐(° ヘ° )┌

So, last year in January, my TBR was 1567 books. As of January 1st this year it's 1799. (Which is actually an improvement, since I got up to 1803 at one point in December.) I read 75 books in 2016, so if I can keep up that exact pace, it would take 24 years to demolish my TBR. Last time I calculated the statistic it was like 30 years, so at least it's gone down ...

The good news is, I finally got into the habit of reading Kindle ebooks this past year! It's definitely helped me burn my way through books a lot faster than I had been, because it's more portable and more instantaneous than physical library books. My library has a pretty good ebook library so I've been making use of that, but it's a little harder since those have wait lists and due dates. Amazon and Bookbub have been great for finding free ebooks so I've been reading more of those lately.

The problem with that is that I'm still buying physical copies of books from secondhand or bargain stores lol. At some point I do need to sit down and specifically tackle all of these, because I may be able to sell them back to the secondhand bookstores and earn some money back ... (I've become the typical broke college kid OTL)

I've also gotten marginally better at deciding to DNF books. Honestly, I'd rather be able to try out more books than say that I finished them, which is ... probably a little weird. And mainly because my TBR list is obnoxiously long.

I don't know that I can set a quantitative goal to reach, since that would depend on how much I finish / DNF vs add to the list, but I definitely want to work on getting it further under 1800.

We'll see how this goes.

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