Monday, January 11, 2016

TBR: January 2016

This is my third TBR post! Have I knocked out many of the books? [laughs] Not at all.

I posted a TBR of the books I own at the beginning of November, and a random selection off my general Goodreads TBR back in June. Nothing's actually changed with the latter other than buying one of the books. (Which now gets tacked onto the former's list. My planning skills are a little lacking.)

Of the post from back in November, I did read one of the books and start two others! (I should probably update the older post at some point with links.) I've bought more books I've yet to read, thanks to adventuring with Chris, so I have to add Hotel Ruby and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy onto my owned-TBR.

I passed my library restriction and I'm seriously debating on whether or not to extend it. I really would like to go back and pick up some books I'm more excited about. I think limiting myself to books I own has led me to a reading slump. (That among other things.) 

Of the books I own, I'd like to finish Winterspell and Shadow and Bone this month. Shadow and Bone is very feasible. I'm not too sure about Winterspell since Christmas season is over now ...

Wow, only listing two books really sets the bar low. :c

I want to finish all of the books I own by the end of spring semester so I can get rid of the ones I don't want to keep (and maybe get some money from them?) but this is all dependent on my moods, so ...

And this doesn't even include all the ebooks I downloaded onto my iPod when I first started using Bookbub OTL The majority of those were free, so I don't feel as responsible for reading all of them, but I should work on getting more of them knocked off my TBR.

Reading on my iPod isn't the best, though. Apple iBooks isn't the most user friendly -- probably because my iPod is an older model -- and at this point I only use my iPod when I'm in bed and trying to fall asleep. For a while I read ebooks before falling asleep, but that tended to backfire and keep me up later, and I haven't done it in a while. 

My Goodreads TBR currently sits at 1,567 books. My Goodreads challenge for this year is 53 since that's what I had to knock 2015's down to. (I'm a little bit of a sore loser.) 

Assuming I completed that goal every year for the foreseeable future, and assuming I added no more books, it would take me 29.56 years to reach a TBR of zero. I don't want to reduce my TBR that far, but it would probably help to get it down to something more manageable. 

("What's considered manageable?" you say. My response is [shrug])

Ideally I want to surpass my reading goal, since I've proven that I can read upwards of 75 books a year, but I don't know how feasible that is with school. I don't have five classes I can goof off in anymore :c I haven't even gone back to school yet and I'm already a book behind in my challenge.

My biggest problem is definitely the reading slump I fell into around mid-November. I didn't finish any books in December ;; This is probably the longest time I've gone without finishing a book since I joined Goodreads back in my freshman year. It's a little depressing.

If you guys have any advice on how to get out of a reading slump, please let me know!! I'm so ready for this to be over. I really do want to knock some of my TBR out of the way so I don't feel so guilty about adding even more. 

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