Saturday, April 11, 2015

Apr 2015 Camp Nano Progress

I do NaNo a lot. I think this is, like, my fourth Camp NaNo or something. Usually it's a good motivator for me. It bothers me to think about running behind, or even worse, ultimately not reaching word count, now that I know I can pull off the full-blown 50k NaNo. The fact that I did that twice and am somehow failing this 20k month is honestly kind of funny. 

NaNo is basically motivation / competition for getting your current novel WIP done. The "traditional" NaNo in November is a set 50,000 words, but Camp NaNo has flexible word counts and mediums (including short story collections, plays, or revisions). It's usually done twice in the warmer months; I wanna say this year it's in July as well. 

This time I decided to give myself a little wiggle room and let myself work on the story that's being published in my school's lit mag as well as the story I've used the previous two NaNos (and however many Camp NaNos). 

It doesn't really help when I'm at a loss for ideas all across the board ... 

My word count is on the left. I initially set my goal to 25k, but I lowered it to 20k after getting back from vacation the first weekend and having almost no words to show for it. 

Camp NaNo lets you do "cabins", which are little groups with forum boards that will track your collective progress. I did a private one with two of my friends, but we've all been suffering from writer's block. I think I'm the only one that's updated their word count since the second day >:|

Writing for my "newer" project Eigengrau helped me catch up. The only writing I have for it is the abandoned first version I based off a dream (and vaguely off a fandom crossover concept) and an assignment I did for my creative writing class that I submitted to our lit mag. It's got a lot of stuff I'm unfamiliar with, including diplomacy and aliens and sign language, but it's been fun so far to work on it. It's a lot different than Aperture

I will catch up at some point this month, I swear. I've barely written anything over spring break (which is pretty much over for me now), and I'm kind of mad about that. I'm hoping to get lots of writing done once some of my school obligations are out of the way this week.

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