Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sakura Matsuri 2015

(I don't have my pictures with me right now, so check back later this week!)

This Saturday was the Cherry Blossom Street Festival down in DC. This is at least my fifth time going to it, if not more. I've lost count. I went down with two of my friends this year, which is I think the second-smallest group I've ever done, other than last year when it was just me and Chris. My dad's friend got us into the festival for free because he was staffing it, and I'm soooo grateful that he was willing to give me passes two years in a row. ♥

I didn't spend too much time in the festival itself this year. It's basically the same every year; even all the stalls are in the same locations. We left the festival pretty early because my friends wanted to find cheaper food, and then I asked to go see the cherry trees themselves while they were still in peak bloom. We did go back for the last hour of the festival, though. I didn't get any taiyaki before they all sold out, so I was disappointed :(

I came home with more stuff this year! Last time I just got a letter set and a Tuxedo Mask plushie. This time I got another letter set, two notebooks and an old Sailor Moon kid's novel. I also got taro-flavored bubble tea, which was kind of expensive, but which I think was worth it.

Unfortunately, I didn't really get to see any of my online friends at the festival :( Luck wasn't on my side this time. I did cross paths with someone I met at the Mekakucity Actors photoshoot at AUSA, but that was about it. Now I have to wait until Otakon to see them;; Meetups should be easier to plan at Otakon, though, and I'll have more time to see them then.

My friends and I sat underneath the cherry trees near the Washington Monument for probably close to an hour. It was really chill! There were a lot of people around, but we were in the shade and a little bit out of the way. There were a couple times that the wind blew and we were showered in petals :) It was cool.

Coming home was kind of a mess, though. We were stuck in the huge crowd leaving the festival and had to walk down to the Smithsonian station, which was only slightly better than Federal Triangle. I ended up making me and my parents late to dinner with my grandmother for her birthday;; My wig was driving me crazy, but I kept it on until we got home because I put my hair up when it was still wet and I didn't want to see what it looked like. (It was pretty terrible.) None of my family seemed to mind, though!

TL;DR this year's Sakura Matsuri wasn't the most interesting year yet, but I still had fun. It was good memories :)

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