Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Creature of Moonlight by Rebecca Hahn

TL;DR a fantasy story about a half-dragon girl
(finished 3/30/15)

The premise seemed interesting enough, but I think the cover and goodreads descriptions are kind of misleading. The book never really made me feel like Marni had to choose specifically between living with her uncle (the king) or her father (the dragon). Spoiler: honestly, by the end she picks neither and ends in almost exactly the same position she started. I don't know if this is a model of the stereotypical hero's journey or if it was just a poor plot. Marni didn't feel all that decisive to me, which made the ending feel pretty lackluster. 

The book started out fairly strong, but then it just kind of stagnated. There's no real action at all. Like, I'm not really one for action-genre books, but I felt like the stakes were never really all that high. I mean, they kind of were, but I feel like Marni's narration kind of downplayed it. 

A good portion of the book was just Marni detailing what happened, too. It wasn't bad, but I think that's why it felt so action-less. Everything blended together because they were only touched on. 

I have to give Marni credit for standing up for herself, both with the royal court and with the fae trying to spirit her away. She kept her ground against the guys she turned down and made her own terms with her father instead of accepting a kind of "fate" that everybody seemed to expect. 

I can definitely see how the ending could be Marni making her own decision as a third option to what she's been given. It just didn't seem like a strong conclusion after what she had been through. 

TL;DR I feel like the book didn't really accomplish much, but I guess it could be a pretty fluffy fantasy read. 

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