Thursday, April 23, 2015

Favorite New Music: April

Yeah, let's make a trend of these posts! They're fun! 

I'm thinking about making YouTube playlists for each post, so let me know if that would make things easier! 

I actually found this song through a tumblr post that said "8 player Sm4sh be like". Apparently it's been out for a while, but I've never encountered it before this past month. It's really catchy;; 

I found the next three songs via an underclassman in my video production class! He and another girl were showing off the music one day after we were done making the announcements. None of these are the kind of music I listen to -- I tend to go for pop -- so I was surprised when I really liked these!

I've been looking into more One Last Night songs than just what my classmate showed us, and I really like them so far! It's cool to hear a more band-ish / rock version of pop songs. 

I haven't looked into any other PVRIS songs yet (and I'm still not sure how her name is supposed to be pronounced), but My House has a really cool feel to it! 

This song was one my classmate heard when he visited the Philippines. I have no idea what the lyrics mean, but it's pretty catchy. I like the sound of the language -- I think it's Tagalog, but I'm not entirely sure. 

This is a song that the girl was playing via her phone! The chorus is really catchy ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
This is more along the lines of music I listen to already. The music video is pretty amusing, too.

And speaking of catchy choruses! I've heard this one on the radio a few times, and I really like it. 

I've been slowly discovering more of the American Beauty / American Psycho songs, and this one is really catchy to me so far! I really like the intro of it. 

I posted this a day early because I wasn't done with the book I was planning to review, but I hope that's okay! I've realized that having these kinds of posts helps me branch out and find new music, so right now it's my favorite thing to write about! ♪

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