Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend Trip

I'm currently on spring break! This past weekend we drove up to Erie, PA to visit family for my great-grandmother's birthday and Easter. We spent a lot of time in the car;; 

I did almost nothing productive that I planned to do;; I was going to work on my school's lit mag and my Camp Nano in the car ride, but I couldn't get InDesign on my laptop before we had to leave and I had almost no motivation to write. I also couldn't connect to my great-aunt's wifi, so I couldn't even goof off at all. 

But, I did get some pictures with my HTC, so that's what this post is mainly about. To be honest, none of the pictures are super-super interesting -- they're just stuff I felt looked cool. 

The post is going to be really long because I don't feel like arranging the pictures into grids, so here's a cut:

EDIT: apparently none of the pictures want to stay visible because I tried to upload them through Google Drive. I don't know what's going on with them. You can see all the pictures in my Drive here. I'm keeping the captions below the cut in case you're curious, but I don't feel like going through again to replace the images just to have them break again. 

My great-aunt lives right on Lake Erie, and there's a public access beach a little bit down the road from her. She said the ice on the lake had just recently started to break up. 

The public beach is covered in all these good skipping stones and driftwood. It's kind of surprising to me, since her private beach really only has sand. I don't know what it is about the public beach that makes it collect just these kinds of rocks. 

There was still ice on the water at both beaches we went to. A couple years back we went to Presque Isle and I got some really good pictures of the ice dunes, but this time they were all sorts of dirty. I don't even know if that's sand or dirt. 

We went to a restaurant at the entrance to Presque Isle since it just opened for the year the week we went. We ate there when we went up back in August, and I actually really like their food. I think it's called Sara's? I dunno. It has a retro 50's-like theme and they were playing old music countdowns this last time. 

We went to a few antique stores to kill time, and this one had a lot of cool arrangements that I took pictures of. They reminded me a lot of all the color palettes I've found on Pinterest.

I got a shirt from a thrift store, too! It still had the original tag on it from Target. 

We hauled my great-grandmother's birthday cake three hours in the car because we bought it from a specific bakery near where she used to live. It was really good. 

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