Friday, January 8, 2016

Goals for 2016

Man, it's difficult to come up with posts when I'm not getting through a backlog of book reviews. (I haven't finished a book in, like, a month. I think I'm going through withdrawal.)

I didn't want to call these "resolutions", since they're nothing ~life-changing~ for me. I've pretty much covered these already in other posts.

Hopefully collecting all of these into one post will feel more ~accountable~, but again, I haven't actually proven if that's actually going to work yet. We'll see.

1. Write 70% of the days in 2016

I kept track of my writing in 2015 using a Washington Post freebie calendar, and it was actually a really great decision. I'm excited to see what this year's calendar is going to look like when it's finished.

My oh-so-mathematical calculations estimate that I wrote 65% of the days in 2015. That's pretty good! I took off half of the months of March and December because I was a little burnt-out.

There are still a lot of days where I don't have the energy or the inspiration to write, but I'm hoping to improve my statistics this year. Most of the writing I did in 2015 was for Aperture. This year I'd like to work more on other projects I have.

2. Continue writing / editing Casanova

I may have won NaNo, but I'm still far from having a draft that's close to being beta-read. This year I'd like to at least create a draft of Casanova that can be read beginning to end.

I'm considering re-drafting Casanova from the ground-up in the next Camp NaNo. Or creating my own writing challenge in the months between NaNos. I'm still not decided. There's also a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff I need to determine and get in order before I can start writing it again.

My quantitative goal is to have one draft that I'm willing to share with other people without fretting too much about. I have a stretch goal of completing two drafts this year, but we'll see how the first (... second?) one goes before I think about another.

3. Continue posting every 3 days

This goal I set for myself proved to be an effective challenge! I don't see any reason to change it. I'd like to post more than just book reviews, so that will probably be my focus now that I've proven I can keep posting consistently.

That's about it! I have a couple goals related to school, but they're vague and probably not going to be a challenge to meet at all. Not like I think these will be super difficult, either.

Here's to hoping for a good 2016!

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