Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Photo Diary: Dec 2015

Here's one of the new post series that I'm hoping to use this year! I went adventuring a lot this December, between going to Dallas and hanging out with friends, and I took a lot of pictures I didn't post to social media. 

This one doesn't look so bad, right?

I'm hoping that by starting this post series I'll start taking more photos. I used to take a ton whenever we went places, but I had lower-quality cameras and no real use for the pictures. It can also be a hindrance to the people I'm with when I stop to take pictures without warning them, so I've tried to keep that in mind.

These pictures aren't really in order. I tried to pick 8 to keep up with the number theme I came up with, but I don't know if I'm going to keep with that if I make more of these posts. (The title of the post might also change if I come up with a better name for the series.)

Chris has driven me to Harpers Ferry a few times now since it's close enough to be a day trip. The first time we went it was late at night, so we didn't do much. We went again on New Year's Eve and he took me to some of the historic places! This is what's left of St. John's Episcopal Church. 

My new HTC takes amazing panoramas (though I think I made this one blurry). Google Photos will also stitch together photos to make panoramas and wider photos, and it also made a little photo diary for me of all the pictures I took that day. 

Chris talks a lot about the Hilltop Hotel. He took me there the first time we were in Harpers Ferry, but because it was so late, it creeped me out. It wasn't so bad this time! The views from the property are amazing.

Surprisingly, only the one building of the property is fenced off. The way Chris described it to me beforehand, I assumed the entire property was off-limits, but this time we ran into a couple different people there. There's another building that's boarded up but not fenced off. 

We went with my grandparents to downtown Frederick one day. It reminded me a lot of Alexandria! There were lots of cool stores. I'm hoping to go back when it gets warmer so I can explore a little more. 

Downtown Frederick also has some amazing-looking historical buildings and I'd love to go back to get more pictures of them. 

Chris and I found this at Barnes and Noble. All I know about Pop! figures is that they're collectibles, and that a lot of people aren't going to unbox them. My biggest question is how the Hermione figure got turned like that when they have clear plastic to hold them in place. 

I found this at the Teavana at one of the local malls. It's tea with my name on it! I couldn't find any prices for it, though, so I didn't get any :(

My first "I'm an adult, I can eat what I want" holiday meal. I did end up eating a little bit of ham after I took the picture. And a lot of pasta salad. (Don't let me make decisions as an adult. Clearly I am not cut out for these things.)

Our dinner for our last dnd game. This box was huge. It was kind of a pain to get it back to our friend's house. Also, the pizza on the left (white sauce with chicken and olives) went so quickly that I only got one slice out of it. :c Trying to decide on what pizzas to order was an ordeal. The other two had different sauces / crust combinations than normal pizzas. It also fed our group really well considering we had 3 teenage boys. 

That's it! I feel like I don't have the greatest pictures since I came up with the post idea at the end of the month, but I'm hoping to have better and more varied pictures if I do this again. (Which I'm hoping I will.) 

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